Tag Archives: feelings

fragrance evocations

Thanks to everyone who came out and showed their support at the Spacetaker Winter Holiday Art Market. Two of my customers fragrance evocations of my soap really touched me, so I thought I would share them with you.

One woman received a bar of White Tea & Ginger Soap last year as a Christmas present & instead of using it as a soap, used it as an air freshener in her bedroom. She said that it smelled spicy and citrusy and it brought her feelings of happiness and joy just to smell it all year long. She didn’t like me calling it an air freshener because she said an air freshener can’t cause her to have those feelings! Who am I to argue? The customer is always right!

Another was a first time customer, Jessica. She picked up a bar of the Man Smell Soap and said that the smell reminded her of getting a hug. She had the biggest smile on her face, too. The next day she went on a date and thought her date smelled just like the soap. Maybe I’ll change the name of Man Smell Soap to Date Soap or Your Boyfriend’s Soap. What do you think?

What does the smell of my soap remind you of?

man smell soap testimonial