In Houston, instead of “How are you?” people are asking “Do you have power at your place yet?” I don’t. I don’t mind not having electricity personally (It’s been a week), but it’s hard to run an immersion blender (the thing I mix soap with) without power. I might have to move the soapmaking operation to another site, but I’m hoping it won’t come to that. 77006 is on the “might get power today” list. Yesterday I made a batch of lavender vanilla lotion bars on the stove. (double boiler) This afternoon I’ll be making chocolate bon bon soaps on the stove to restock the Indie Fixx Shop. Thankfully I have running water, gas and sunlight for a couple of hours when I get home from the hospital. My soapy intern Sarah doesn’t have power either (77098) at her house, but she’s coming in to work with me for a couple of hours. What a trooper! I am so thankful to have help in the shop.
As soon as I can, I will have pictures up of the new soaps I have made for you! Lemongrass Sage, Coconut Lemongrass, Oakmoss Sandalwood, Pearberry, Black Forest & Frasier Fir are just a few new soaps I have made that need pictures added to the site, but are in stock and ready to ship now.