Hey there, Sampler fans! The week is almost over, and, here in Sampler Town, we’re getting ready to begin assembly for the September Sampler. Hooray! But first, I want to take a last look at summer, and at the August Sampler! I’m generally pretty picky about scents, which makes it pretty easy to shop for everything from perfume to laundry detergent. The solid lotion bars at feto soap, however, come in such an array of delicious smells that picking a favorite – or even which one to try next – a real challenge. If you happened to receive one in your August Sampler, perhaps you will be good enough to to pass along your recommendations?

It did cross my mind to try out all the different scents while the lotion bars were in the office, but, alas, we do have a policy about not including used skin care products in The Sampler. Go figure! If you visit fetosoap.com, you’ll find lotion bars available in: Cake, Lavender Vanilla, Sparkling Citrus, Plumeria, White Tea and Ginger, Yuzu, Ginger Lime, China Rain, and Chocolate. There’s even an “Unscented” option, which, though not as exciting to discuss, is a genius idea for moisture-loving males and anybody sensitive to scents. Today at The Sampler site, Alison is asking “If you won $100 this afternoon, what would you do with it?” My answer? I’d buy a rainbow of lotion bars from feto soap! So if you should win $100 today, or just have a little extra change in your pocket, and you want to go shopping, be sure to check out our wonderful Contributors and their creations! GO SAMPLER! xoxo, Jennicakes