Thank you Houston! We loved making soap and nail polish with you at the Houston Maker Faire. We’ll be back for the Winter Holiday Art Market next month, so hopefully see you there!
Thank you Houston! We loved making soap and nail polish with you at the Houston Maker Faire. We’ll be back for the Winter Holiday Art Market next month, so hopefully see you there!
Kicking off the first of my holiday shows with the De-stash Bash Arts & Crafts Garage Sale Supplies only, no finished products at’s Tom’s Austin!  Seems like fabric is the big winner this year, but can you really ever have too much.  PLUS we will have everything from Japanese quilting fabric to vintage barkcloth.  I’ll have bath & body supplies, packaging and displays.
Here’s the star studded Fall 2015 Destash Bash cast: Anne Marie Beard | Sierra Bailey Manic Trout | Becka Spellman Baby Bolt | Jennifer Perkins Naughty Secretary Club |Vickie Howell | Fredda Perkins | Debbie Carroll | Dian Sierra Hey Muchacha | Tisa Jackson Tisa’s Creations |Lisa Sita Chouinard Feto Soap | Anslee Collins | Angela Milliman | Bunny’s Designs
Please remember that the date is Sunday, November 8th at the TOMS store on S. Congress 10ish to 5ish.
Meet the newest members of my team, Bubble & Squeak. Bubble is in charge of the calendar of events and Squeak is the booth design goddess.
(beautiful chalkboard art inspired calendar printable via liagriffith.com)
Bubble is giving me the first weekend of March off, but wants me to be at these events:
My next walk-up nail polish making workshop in Austin, TX is at SXSW Create on Friday through Sunday, March 7-9, 11- 6pm at the Austin Mini Maker Faire booth. 701 W. Riverside (the Long Center)
and at SXSW Renegade Craft Fair March 13, 14 + 15th Noon – 8pm at the Palmer Events Center.Â
Both of these events are FREE and open to the public.
A SXSW Guest Pass is required to attend this and many other free SXSW events. Get yours on site at Renegade or in advance at multiple Austin locations like Whole Foods & Spec’s. More information here.
Join us on Saturday at the Austin Flea 11-5pm 1500 Barton Springs where you can shop my seasonal scents: lip balms in gingerbread and chai tea! I’ll also have my make your own nail polish station set up where you can customize the lacquer of your dreams! See the full lineup of artists here!
Come and see me at the Round Rock Market Days located in Downtown Round Rock (just north of Austin) this Saturday! I’ll have my fall scents out like Pumpkin & Pepperberry, and you can also check out my fall colors of nail lacquer. My glow in the dark polishes are especially fun for halloween!Â
On October 17th, I have an upcoming Bath Fizzy Workshop at the Austin Tinkering School where you will get to make and take home 9 bath fizzies you have made from start to finish! You will get to custom scent and color them!
Join us for the next Austin Flea on Saturday, September 14th from 11 a.m. until 5 p.m. at Spider House Ballroom – 2908 Fruth St. 78705. The Flea features all local handmade items and vintage wares from some of Austin’s most amazing and talented vendors. Find one-of-a-kind gifts for any occasion including jewelry, clothing, artwork, paper goods, textiles and so much more!  The Austin Flea is free and open to all ages. See the full vendor list here!
I’ll have my bath goodies with a sneek peek of a few fall scents like pepperberry and pumpkin + my diy custom nail polish station!
None of these are sponsored links. I only write about what I love! I love to eat!
This week’s haul from Cedar Park Farms to Market included fresh veggies from Johnson’s Backyard Garden, Balsamic Vinegar from Texas Hill Country Olive Co., coffee beans roasted in my former hometown Houston, TX from Katz Coffee and bread & pastries from Sweetish Hill Bakery. While I was at the market Sierra and I ate tamales from the Tamale Place. I eat their tamales for lunch on most Saturdays! This week I tried their nopales (cactus) tamales and they were so delicious!
I had never made french toast with success until today! P.J. showed me how easy it was with Sweetish Hill Bakery’s sliced baguette. Here is how they turned out! Other goodies I picked up at their booth were the Coconut Macaroons, which I took to a birthday party, the Ginger Snaps & Chocolate Chip cookies with nuts! Also picked up a Wheat Bread loaf and Sunflower & Flaxseed for sammiches later this week!
Today’s juice from Johnson’s Backyard Garden: Organic Beet, Carrot, Kale, Mung Beans I sprouted and Apple and Ginger from the store.
Crackers I made yesterday from my juicing pulp. I followed AM’s recipe loosely to make them. I made them on a silicone baking mat in my oven & have since eaten them all! I love how there’s no waste when you make crackers with your juice pulp! What do you do with your juice pulp? I have made vegetable broth with my juicing pulp and might start composting it on my patio so we can start a garden. Microbial Earth is also at the market, so I might pick up some of their bran to get my compost on. or make LOTS of crackers. Either way, I need something to do with all the pulpy leftovers from my daily juice.
One reason I picked up the Balsamic Vinegar this week is because we eat the crusty baguettes from Sweetish Hill almost every week, and I wanted something to dip it in!
We are going to drink the coffee we bought from Katz Coffee’s table and I might use a little of it in my Kitchen Coffee Soap.
What did you get from the farmers market this week? and what are you going to do with it?